Our Clients

Products for Every Industry.

We’ve manufactured and installed sign and graphics products for dozens of industries and market areas.  Our signs give businesses just the right style and amount of packaging and identification to get the message out.  Need a large and dynamic freestanding sign with bold lettering?  No problem.  Need subtle interior signage for your lobby?  We’ve got you covered.  There is no market area we can’t find a solution for.



Churches and houses of worship have many unique signage needs.  Outdoor ground signs, building letters, electronic message centers are excellent options for these entities.  They identify buildings and convey messages.  Parking signs, directionals, and banners provide important information to visitors entering the facility. In addition, interior signs for restrooms, offices, seating, wayfinding, and information are an integral part of a church building’s identity and functionality.  Moonville Signs provides turnkey solutions for all of these needs.



Schools always need primary identification signs for their property and buildings.  They also have unique needs like scoreboards, message centers, and banners. In addition to primary signs, school campuses often need  comprehensive wayfinding systems.  Directionals for parking lots and hanging interior wayfinding signs are essential parts of these institutions.  Temp signs for graduates, banners for events, and posters are also used in school environments.  Moonville signs is the perfect go-to provider for all of these needs.

Public Safety

Public Safety

Public safety institutions like fire departments, police departments, and ambulance services often need signs or graphics for their buildings and vehicles.  Moonville Signs has provided signs, graphics and vehicle wraps for public safety departments for many years. Firetruck chevrons, safety cones, building signs are among any of the sign and graphics solutions we provide for these organizations. 



The Upstate is home to several large manufacturing plants.  These establishments are significant members of their communities and they require a huge variety of signs for identity and functionality.  Building signs, vehicle wraps, safety signs, directionals, and interior signs are among the many needs these companies have.  Fortunately, Moonville signs handles all of these types of projects and we are a reliable and singular go-to option for large manufacturing companies.

Retailers & Restaurants

Retailers & Restaurants

Retailers and restaurants require attractive exterior wall signs to stand out and be noticed.  In addition, they often require ground signs or tenant panels for existing pylon signs.  Interior items such as restroom signs, social distancing signs, and menus are also critical to these businesses.  Moonville’s versatility enables us to produce and install products for all of these applications.  We’ve helped hundreds of retail stores and restaurants throughout the upstate with their sign needs.



Apartment and residential complexes require extensive signage in order to function properly.  From attractive exterior entrance signs, to traffic signs and wayfinding signs,  Moonville provides complete solutions for these needs.  Building identity signs, Building number signs, unit numbers, garage numbers, and amenity signs are all within our wheelhouse.  We’ve provided turnkey sign solutions for apartments and condominiums throughout South Carolina Upstate.



Offices and office buildings often have a more refined and professional vibe to their architecture.  Signage for these buildings is usually lower profile with decorative elements.  Monument signs, elevator signs, plaques, ADA signs, directories, and other similar signs are well within our capabilities and Moonville.  We’ve provided signage for doctors offices, law offices, banks, corporate spaces throughout the upstate.  Our versatility enables us to handle a wide array of projects for office applications.